
Pubblichiamo le manifestazioni tenute l'8 marzo nel mondo, che mostrano la grande mobilitazione delle donne, con in prima fila in tanti paesi delle donne proletarie. Va avanti la linea e prassi del femminismo proletario rivoluzionario e la verità dello slogan: "Scateniamo la furia delle donne come forza poderosa della rivoluzione!"

8 marzo Internazionalista Ecuador

8 marzo internazionalista - Iran - Osyan/Rebelión
Osyan/Rebelión es la voz de la rebelión de las mujeres para expresar la determinación y para servir a su lucha contra la República Islámica

Este video es de Osyan, en colaboración con el artista revolucionario Shekib Mosadeq,  

Después del levantamiento de la gente en Irán en diciembre del 2017 y sobre todo después de la rebelión masiva en noviembre del 2019, la represión allí se ha generalizado y se ha vuelto más severa. Los objetivos del régimen islámico incluyen a mujeres activistas, especialmente las que trabajan por los derechos de las mujeres. En gran parte éstas son las que son objetivos de detención, y ahora representan

buena parte de los y las presos políticos. Al analizar los nombres, lugares y condenas carcelarias de las personas detenidas, se ve que esta represión abarca todos los ámbitos de la actividad política, cultural e intelectual, además de producirse en diferentes localidades de Irán. Incluye desde defensores del medio ambiente hasta activistas por los derechos laborales y de las mujeres; desde nacionalidades oprimidas hasta minorías religiosas, provenientes de las ciudades y regiones de Teherán y Karaj hasta Kurdistán, Ahvaz y Azerbaiyán... y desde los fars hasta los pueblos minoritarios de los kurdos, los árabes, los baluchis, etc. Esto no sólo es la continuación de la represión permanente de la República Islámica, sino también es el comienzo de un nuevo ciclo de represión. Y, de hecho, es un testimonio de la batalla entre el régimen y la gente. El régimen pretende restablecer su estabilidad perdida en medio de su frágil control actual sobre la sociedad iraní.
En Afganistán, las mujeres activistas que luchan por los derechos civiles y políticos son asesinadas, o su carácter cae bajo ataque. Estos asesinatos se llevan a cabo para allanar el camino de los talibanes en su retorno hacia el poder, un retorno planificado por Estados Unidos y actualmente ejecutado por los políticos afganos.

La República Islámica de Irán no solo suprime a las personas fuera de las cárceles o simplemente las encarcela. Dentro de las prisiones, la represión continúa y es aún más severa, basándose en la ideología y leyes fundamentalistas religiosas de la República Islámica. En público, llevar el hiyab es obligatorio para todas las mujeres. Y esta cobertura obligatoria de las mujeres, impuesta por la policía de la moralidad del régimen, ¡se impone incluso a la publicación de imágenes virtuales y fotos en línea! Esta circunstancia se concentra más aun en la cárcel, donde cada reclusa debe llevar un chador.

El uso de obscenidades físicas, el acoso sexual de las reclusas, la presión sobre las reclusas para someterse a pruebas de virginidad — todas estas cosas son formas específicas de la opresión de las mujeres que se aplican ampliamente y son aspectos particulares de la ideología misógina de la República Islámica. El régimen también mantiene su base ideológica contra las mujeres ejerciendo la máxima represión sobre las mujeres militantes, radicales o revolucionarias. A medida que aumenta la incapacidad de la República Islámica para resolver los problemas de la sociedad, aumenta también su represión y se ensancha su marco opresivo teocrático misógino.

El 8 de marzo, hacemos un llamamiento a todos los movimientos progresistas, tanto en Irán como alrededor del mundo, los que están luchando contra el patriarcado, el racismo y el fascismo, el fundamentalismo religioso, la destrucción del medio ambiente, la pobreza, la opresión nacional, la represión política y las guerras imperialistas, a unirse con todos los que están poniéndose de pie en Irán. Pedimos a todos los que se oponen a cualquier forma de opresión bajo el sistema capitalista que se unan en torno a la demanda de libertad para todos los presos políticos de Irán. Los presos políticos de hoy son los luchadores para la libertad de nuestra sociedad. Si no nos unimos en contra de la represión de la República Islámica, tendremos menos luchadores por la libertad cada día, lo que significa que la opresión, la ignorancia y la represión prevalecerán en nuestra sociedad. 

Al mismo tiempo, la liberación de las mujeres y el fin de su opresión, que es una cuestión mundial, puede y debe ser un factor unificador que vincule los movimientos de las mujeres en todo el mundo. Aquellos de nosotros que tenemos más capacidad y posibilidades deberíamos elevar nuestras voces tan fuertemente como podamos para unirnos el 8 de marzo contra los gobiernos patriarcales, represivos y opresivos. La liberación de las mujeres también hace posible la lucha por liberar a toda la humanidad.

¡Libertad para todos los presos políticos en Irán YA!

¡Detener la represión y la segregación de las mujeres!

¡Por la libertad de las mujeres y por la libertad de toda la humanidad!

Declaración de Osyan/Rebelión para el 8 de marzo, Día Internacional de la Mujer 2021 quien reescribió las palabras del himno internacional contra la violación (subtítulos en inglés en el video) para darle un impulso / contenido revolucionario. Se realizó en una protesta frente al consulado iraní en Hamburgo, Alemania, el año pasado.

l'8 marzo internazionalista - a Toronto Canadà in piazza il femminismo proletario rivoluzionario
Toronto Rally for International Working Women’s Day 2021!

Join us for a rally on International Working Women’s Day! Across the world for over 100 years, this day has been an occasion to advance the struggle of the working class and revolutionary women as we fight to put an end to imperialism, capitalism and patriarchy.

When: Monday, March 8, 5:30 PM
Where: Yonge & Finch, North York

Imperialism, as the highest stage of capitalism, unleashes horrors and violence on the oppressed peoples of the world in order to enrich itself. Women of the oppressed classes face the worst violence: the most

exploitative jobs, harassment at work and on the streets, backbreaking domestic labour and abuse at home – and the list goes on. Here in settler-colonial Canada, the Canadian State pursues a centuries-old policy of genocide against Indigenous Nations, targeting Indigenous women in particular. This appears most clearly in the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women, which the State continues to perpetuate.
We are in the midst of a historic crisis of imperialism. Every day, imperialist powers like Canada pump more money into wars of conquest and aggression, desperately trying to find profitable ventures while every day it is less and less feasible to maintain them. We see this crisis in the response of the ruling classes to the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. The capitalists impose mass layoffs and evictions in a futile effort to keep themselves afloat, while the State works overtime to maintain the whole rotten order, yet it can never solve the problems inherent to capitalism. Amid such conditions, working women have been among the most harshly hit by the dying throes of this system.

Imperialism is drowning – and it is time for the workers and oppressed peoples of the world to finish the job! Make no mistake, even in its sick and rotten condition, it is still a brutal oppressor. It will stop at nothing to preserve the system of private property and the oppression of women which is rooted in this system. Only a Militarized Communist Party, mobilizing the masses for People’s War, is capable of smashing the throne of capital and ensuring the real emancipation of women. Today there is no genuine Communist Party in Canada, and so it is our historical duty to reconstitute it! Only with the active participation of proletarian women will the Communist Party of Canada be reconstituted!

We call on all people whose blood boils with fury at exploitation and injustice to join us in the struggle against imperialism, capitalism and patriarchy! Revolutionary vigour alone won’t keep COVID-19 and the cold away, so be sure to dress warmly and bring a mask.

Women of the working class: it is our duty to reconstitute the Communist Party of Canada!

Wave after wave, blow after blow – against imperialism and patriarchy!
Proletarian Feminism for Communist

 8 marzo internazionalista - Francia - facciamo vivere il femminismo proletario rivoluzionario!

Le 8 mars, c’est la journée internationale de lutte pour les droits des femmes. Si les bourgeois ont tenté au fil des décennies de transformer cette date en une vulgaire « journée de la femme » au cours de laquelle des entreprises vendent des sous-vêtements féminins en promotion, il est important de rappeler les origines révolutionnaires du 8 mars.

C’est en 1910 que le 8 mars est devenu la journée internationale de lutte pour les droits des femmes. En

effet, cette année là, Clara Zetkin, militante communiste révolutionnaire, propose à l’internationale socialiste des femmes que chaque 8 mars soit célébrée une journée de lutte des femmes, principalement pour le droit des femmes au travail et pour la fin des discriminations sexistes par le patronat. Dès l’année suivante, des manifestations de femmes ont lieu dans de nombreux pays du monde pour le 8 mars. En 1917, c’est à l’occasion d’une manifestation de femmes ouvrières le 8 mars que se déclenche la révolution russe au cours de laquelle le Tsar est chassé du pouvoir et suite à laquelle, en octobre 1917, les bolchéviques prennent le pouvoir pour instaurer le premier régime socialiste de l’histoire, faisant largement avancer les droits des ouvriers et des ouvrières.

8 Mars 1917 à Pétrograd (Russie) : des milliers d’ouvrières manifestent. 

Le 8 mars n’est donc en aucun cas la « journée de la femme » au cours de laquelle des bourgeoises font la promotion de « l’entreprenariat féminin » ou de startups créées par des femmes. Non, le 8 mars est avant tout une journée de lutte des travailleuses pour leurs droits. En effet « la femme », ça ne veut rien dire, il n’existe pas d’unité des femmes, car les femmes sont divisées du fait de leur appartenance à différentes classe sociales, et cela ne pourrait pas être autrement. Comment pourrait-il exister une unité entre d’un côté une femme ouvrière exploitée et en lutte pour la fin du système capitaliste et de l’autre une femme bourgeoise qui exploite la femme ouvrière ? Comment pourrait-il exister une unité entre d’un côté les femmes qui chaque jour font une double journée de travail car, en rentrant du boulot, elles doivent encore s’occuper de leurs enfants et de toute le tâches ménagères et de l’autre les femmes qui, possédant un compte en banque bien rempli, payent d’autres femmes pour s’occuper de leurs enfants et des tâches ménagères ?

Nous le voyons donc ici, le mouvement féministe est traversé par la lutte des classes. Il y a d’un côté des féministes bourgeoises qui veulent une simple égalité légale entre les hommes et les femmes et de l’autre des militantes révolutionnaires, des travailleuses, qui veulent renverser le système capitaliste et ne se contentent en aucun cas d’une égalité purement légale. Alors, comme le disait la militante communiste Alexandra Kollontaï, si les femmes travailleuses ont des intérêts spécifiques du fait de la double exploitation que leur fait subir le système capitaliste et patriarcal, elles ont cependant comme intérêt fondamental le renversement du système capitaliste et la prise du pouvoir par le prolétariat, et cet intérêt là, elles le partagent avec les hommes prolétaires.

Il n’y a donc pas de « convergence » entre la lutte des femmes et la lutte des classes, puisque la lutte des femmes fait partie intégrante de la lutte des classes. En effet, comme nous avons pu le voir dans un récent article sur les grèves des femmes de chambre, lorsque des femmes prolétaires se mobilisent pour leurs droits, c’est une frange du prolétariat qui se mobilise sur des revendications spécifiques, mais derrière ces revendications spécifiques se trouvent en réalité les intérêts de tous les travailleurs, car chaque coup porté à la bourgeoisie par une frange du prolétariat renforce le camp de tous les travailleurs et affaiblie celui des exploiteurs.

Le 8 mars, partout, les révolutionnaires doivent participer activement aux manifestations organisées pour porter une voix combattive, de classe et anti opportuniste, mais aussi et surtout organiser leurs propres actions en affirmant clairement et explicitement qu’il n’y que par la révolution prolétarienne que les femmes pourront s’émanc


In una situazione in cui per l'8marzo negli ultimi anni non c'è nessuna manifestazione né a livello nazionale né a livello locale - benchè la segretaria generale del sindacato studentesco Warda Atiq era sotto processo proprio l'8 marzo - la cui ragione storica e responsabilità ricade in particolare su Bourguiba che subito dopo l'indipendenza ha istituito la "giornata della donna tunisina" il 13 agosto, in piena estate quando scuole e università sono chiuse e molte lavoratrici sono in ferie, una giornata che ha contribuito a dividere il movimento femminile tunisino da quello internazionale da un lato, dall'altro una giornata rivolta all'organizzazione delle donne del partito al potere per celebrare i risultati in materia delle donne del regime stesso e ingabbiando quindi il movimento delle donne nei limiti concessi dal partito,
per il sesto anno consecutivo, nonostante il blocco di ogni attività per gli esami in contemporanea, per iniziativa di un professore italiano comunista mlm, si è svolta comunque all'Università un'assemblea dibattito delle studentesse a cui hanno partecipato attivamente anche insegnanti e lavoratrici delle pulizie.

Vi è stato un intervento sulla condizione delle donne tunisine, la recita di una poesia di Nizar Kabbani, una presentazione in slide per fare il punto della storia di questa giornata e riconnetterla a vari movimenti delle donne fino ai nostri giorni.

Nel dibattito ci si è concentrati d più sulle discriminazioni subite nella vita quotidiana, le lavoratrici hanno evidenziato le difficoltà delle condizioni di lavoro e in famiglia al rientro a casa ma siamo anche ritornati sullo sciopero delle donne e sulla sua necessità, prendendo anche come esempio le difficoltà strumentali poste dalla burocrazia amministrativa, vero e proprio sabotaggio.
Infine è stato proposto di continuare con altre attività di questo tipo ad aprile.

8th march internationalist - FILIPINAS: NDFP-ST: 
Salute To The Women! Red Salute To The Women Warriors Of The New People’s Army The National
 Democratic Front of the Philippines-Southern Tagalog (NDFP-ST) extends its strong and sincere solidarity to the Filipino people in commemorating and celebrating International Working Women’s Day on March 8, 2021. 

We deserve to commemorate this international day of women to revitalize, highlight and elevate the important role of women in Philippine society in particular and in the struggle for national independence and democracy as a whole.

The potential strength of Filipino women is invaluable in achieving fundamental and radical changes in Philippine society. More than 50% of the country’s population are women. More than 70% of women in the country are workers, farmers and the urban poor. The bulk of women are found in the countryside of the country. In this situation, women are powerful forces of revolution that need to be aroused, organized and mobilized in the millions as they are.

The NDFP-ST congratulates the Makabayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan (MAKIBAKA) which is one of the NDFP’s affiliated organizations for leading the commemoration and celebration of international women’s day on March 8, 2021. Our greetings to the women fighters of the New People’s Army (NPA) in Southern Tagalog (SW) which is now busy, together with members of MAKIBAKA in conducting various activities in the region’s countryside to commemorate and celebrate international working women’s day.

Above all, the NDFP-ST congratulates and pays tribute to the women from the working class who are at the forefront of the Filipino people’s struggles for national independence and democracy. Your courage and dedication in advancing the struggles not only for your rights and well-being as women but above all in advancing the welfare and class interests of the broad masses of the Filipino people is admirable.

In particular, the NDFP-ST recognizes and commends all the efforts and heroism demonstrated by women’s groups and organizations in defending freedom of speech, press and assembly to convey their grievances and requests to the government. The militant actions taken by the women’s legal democratic movement against the neo-liberal and anti-people policies of the US-Duterte fascist regime, in defending national sovereignty against open US imperialist intervention and aggression, are commendable.

Since the US-Duterte fascist regime came to power, the previously depressed and miserable condition of the Filipino women and people has worsened due to the continued existence of the regime’s anti-people policies and programs. This was followed by the repressive lockdown implemented by Duterte in accordance with his militarist approach to dealing with and fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. Women are also suffering severe insults, ridicule and underestimation from Duterte. In many instances, Duterte’s public statements always mention obscenities, insults and disrespect for women. Even the serious and sensitive issue of incidents of rape of women is made the butt of Duterte’s humor by repeatedly exposing to the public sexist statements and “rape jokes.”

Aside from the front, a large number of women activists and human rights defenders have been imprisoned due to fabricated cases and evidence planted by the AFP and PNP such as the experience of Reina Mae Nasino, Amanda Echanis, Lady Ann Salem and hundreds of political detainees in the country. Blessed is journalist Lady Ann Salem who was released on March 5, 2021 after nearly three months in jail after the Mandaluyong Court dismissed the fabricated cases filed against her by the PNP-NCR.

Not even the well -known and well -known personalities of women in the country like Sr. Mary John Manansan, actresses Angel Locsin and Liza Sobereño and former Miss Universe Catriona Gray in the relentless red-tagging of the US-Duterte fascist regime. What happened to women Zara Alvarez, an ardent advocate and defender of human rights in Negros Island and Dra. Mary Rose Sancelan, head of the Covid-19 task force in Guilhulngan City, Negros Oriental. They were mercilessly killed by the Duterte regime’s death squads after experiencing red-tagging from the AFP and PNP.

Duterte only exposed his brutality and low regard for women when he ordered the AFP and PNP to shoot NPA women fighters on their genitals. This order by Duterte explicitly disregards the existing humanitarian laws of war under the United Nations Convention of 1949 and Protocol 1 of 1977 and the Comprehensive Agreement on the Respect of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL) signed agreement between the GRP and NDFP.

In this way, women and the people have a legitimate reason and basis to call and struggle to oust the corrupt, traitorous, rude, misogynist, anti-women and people, criminal and murderer Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

The NDFP-ST believes that commemorating international working women’s day is not just to recall the victories the women’s movement has achieved in the past against exploitation and oppression. It is also a time to reaffirm the unity and determination of the oppressed and exploited women to continue to fight for complete victory against the anti-people policies of the reactionary state, against fascism and state terrorism, against culture of discrimination, disrespect and treatment of women as men’s hobbies. At the same time, women’s awareness and understanding must be vigorously raised that only exploitation and oppression and the misrepresentation of women as inferior to men must be fully raised with the victory of the People’s Democratic Revolution (DRB) and the ensuing socialist revolution and construction. Millions of women need to be awakened, organized and mobilized for the advancement of DRB.

The revolutionary movement recognizes and treats the rights and capabilities of women as equally as men. The revolutionary movement rejects any form of discrimination, exaggeration and underestimation of the ability of women. The revolutionary movement highly values ​​and believes in the ability of LGBTQ+ women and the community to advance the revolution in the Philippines.

On the same day, the revolutionary movement in the Southern Tagalog region relives the memories and heroism of the women martyrs of the revolution in the region who in their time sacrificed their unique lives for the service of the people. We once again honor and honor Maria Lorrena Barros, Leticia Pascual Ladlad, Rizalina Ilagan, Cristina Catalla, Jessica Sales, Emma Travinio, Rosario Lodronio Rosal, Aniceta Rosanes Vallever, Pamela Jane Lapiz, Nora Rosanes Padilla, Lorelyn Saligumba, Andrea Rosal, Rona Jane Manalo, Justine Vargas and other women martyrs of the revolution in our region. They enthusiastically performed various duties as Party cadres and officers of the New People’s Army. They were exemplary revolutionaries of their time and continue to serve as an inspiration not only to the current women’s liberation movement but to the entire revolutionary movement in Southern Tagalog because of their courage, zeal and heroism in advancing the DRB in the region. In their time, they, ten of all women martyrs, rightly upheld and upheld the revolutionary movement’s stand that only with the victory of the DRB at the same time free women from the oppression and exploitation of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism and from in the rotten and decadent feudal and bourgeois culture that pervades semicolonial and semifeudal Philippine society.

Long live the working class women!
Long live the brave women warriors of the New People’s Army!
Long live the memories of the women martyrs and heroes of the revolution!
Long live the Filipino People!
Long live the CPP-NPA-NDFP!

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