Solidarietà a Inna Shevchenko, Oksana Shachko e Elvire Duvelle-Charles, le tre
attiviste di Femen che coraggiosamente hanno contestato Silvio Berlusconi mentre era al
seggio per votare a Milano.
Questo video mostra, se ancora ce ne fosse bisogno, che qui non siamo in democrazia, ma in uno stato di polizia e che queste elezioni valgono quello che sono: una farsa.
Le 3 attiviste sono state rilasciate al termine della tornata elettorale e dopo le percosse e i maltrattamenti da parte degli sbirri, sono state denunciate per atti contrari alla pubblica decenza e resistenza a pubblico ufficiale.
Di seguito un articolo tratto dal sito
Freedom for FEMEN, Prison for Berlusconi!
FEMEN sextremists, who today attacked Berlusconi, have finally been
released from police custody in Milan. Held without charge, the
activists were detained at the police station until the first day of the
election in Italy was over. Despite suffering minor injuries during a
class with Berlusconi's security, they are ready to continue their
active fight against patriarchy. FEMEN believe that the calls of "Basta,
Berlusconi!" have been heard and will have a positive impact on the
outcome of the Italian election. Through this action, Femen were able to
tell the world about the threat of mafia and the maniac Berlusconi as a
represantative of it. Italy, do not vote for a man who should be in
prison! FEMEN believe that the calls of "Basta, Berlusconi!" have been
heard and will have a positive impact on the outcome of the Italian
Italy, do not vote for a man who should be in prison!
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